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clementine curd

this curd is made exclusively with clementines, sweetened with honey, and a touch of vanilla.
Course: Dessert
Author: rose of grainfreee.com


  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4-5 clementines, juiced 1/2 cup juice
  • 1 tbsp clementine zest
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil or butter
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract


  • in a medium-sized bowl, whisk the egg yolks, honey, clementine juice and zest, and vanilla together.
  • transfer to a saucepan, and heat over medium-low heat for approximately twenty mins, stirring constantly.
  • during this time, at around the 15 minute mark, slowly increase the heat as the mixture begins to shine, continue heating for another 5-10 minutes, removing from heat before it boils-- it should have thickened slightly still, and will thicken further once it cools.
  • once you remove from heat, immediately stir in the butter or coconut oil, 1 tbsp at a time. combine well and allow to cool completely before transferring to air tight glass jar.
  • you can enjoy clementine curd straight out of the jar, or serve it with many types of desserts, eat it on toast, dollop it on pancakes, waffles, or crepes, bake with it, the possibilities are endless!


  • If ever you find your curd has not thickened properly once cooled, you can simply reheat back on stovetop over low heat stirring as you go, give it another 10 minutes or so if needed and remove from heat, allowing to cool completely again.