start by chopping up your cabbage thinly, to do this, if you have a large cabbage, simply cut in half through the core. set aside one half for another use. place the cabbage on the cutting board with the core down, and slice into thinly so you have ribbon-like pieces, all around the core until everything is sliced.
now, heat up the butter and extra virgin olive oil in large skillet over medium heat. once melted, add in the cabbage, salt and pepper and thyme and oregano. stir.
sautée for 19 mins, stir only occasionally, allow the cabbage to rest in the pan so that you get the slices nice and browned and caramelized.
after 19 mins, add your sauce by whisking together the apple cider vinegar, apple cider juice and honey in a small dish, before pouring it over the cabbage.
allow to sit for another two mins, or so turning down temperature bit.
remove from heat and serve hot - this works well as a side in and of itself, however it can also be used as an addition to stir-fry rice, or you can even turn this into a main course by adding some ground beef to the mixture, or stir fry with chicken. the options are endless!