Mix the almond flour, collagen powder, grape seed oil, honey and egg in one bowl. Combine well.
Roll the dough into four evenly sized balls and wrap in parchment paper. Put them in the freezer for a couple of hours to harden, which will make the dough easier to work with and roll out.
Once the dough is hard, remove one ball of dough from the freezer and roll it out – place a piece of parchment paper on top of the dough as well as underneath the dough to facilitate rolling it out without sticking. it should be rolled out to approximately 8 inches in length and 2 inches in width, with a thickness of approx 1/4 inch.
Once the dough is rolled out, remove the top layer of parchment paper, and grab your fig newton filling and slather it onto the dough, keeping an outer edge of dough clean, using approximately 1/4 of the filling up (1/4 per each ball of dough).
Now, carefully lift up the left edge, length-wise, using the parchment paper as a tool to help fold the dough over onto itself. Once it’s lifted and folded over completely to reach the other edge of the dough, begin to gently press down on the outer edges of the dough with your fingers, sealing it on the top and bottom by folding the dough over slightly on to itself.
Repeat with the three remaining balls of dough. Place each rolled out fig newton log on a large baking tray lined with parchment paper – to transfer to the baking tray, it’s advisable to keep it on the parchment paper as you transfer and gently roll it off the parchment paper, so it is ultimately plopped down on the baking tray upside down as it’s rolled off the original piece of parchment paper (view photos of the process below).
Bake in a preheated oven at 350 for 20-25 mins, keeping an eye to avoid them getting too browned on top.
Remove from oven and allow them to cool completely before cutting up each log into fig newton-esque squares.Store in fridge or freezer, and I recommend serving these slightly warmed up and toasted. Step-by-step photos on my website/above.