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peaches 'n cream popsicles (refined sugar free, scd diet)

these popsicles are made with a coconut milk, medjool dates and peaches for a sweet frozen treat.
Servings: 10 -12 popsicles
Author: rose of grainfreee.com


the cream portion

  • 2 cans coconut milk set aside 1 cup of coconut milk from the cans for peaches mixture below
  • 4 medjool dates, extremely soft soak in boiling water in a pot for 10 minutes, or in warm water overnight, covered.
  • 1/8 tsp pink Himalayan salt

the peaches portion

  • 3 peaches, peeled and chopped into chunks approx 2 cups
  • 1 cup coconut milk that you had set aside
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • squeeze of fresh lime or lemon juice


the peaches portion

  • start by preparing your peaches portion, place your peeled and chopped peaches, honey and squeeze of lime or lemon juice in a saucepan over medium heat, bringing to a boil.
  • stir frequently, once it begins to bubble, turn down the temperature to a simmer, and continue to stir occasionally for another 30 minutes or so, until the peaches are softened and mush.
  • remove from heat and set aside while you prep the cream portion.

the cream portion

  • blend the softened dates (pits and skins removed, the skins can slide right off if they're soft enough), coconut milk and salt in a food processor or blender until completely smooth.
  • remove from food processor once its well blended and set aside in a container that's easy enough to pour from later.
  • now throw in your peaches mixture as well as the remaining cup of coconut milk you had set aside, and blend until smooth (you can also leave it a bit chunkier when blending, if you want some peach pieces in the popsicles).
  • once both your mixtures are prepped, take your popsicle molds, and alternate between pouring in the cream mixture, adding the peaches mixture, and ending with the cream mixture.
  • if you have any leftovers that you can't fit in the popsicle molds, feel free to freeze these as cubes and use in smoothies or enjoy as a frozen snack out of the freezer (also really good in bite-size form!)
  • cover your popsicle molds, and place in the freezer, ideally for five hours at the minimum. carefully remove, and store in individual little baggies in the freezer and enjoy!