clean and chop up the cauliflower into pieces. place the cauliflower in a pot filled water, and boil on the stovetop until it’s cooked.
once cooked, drain the cauliflower and wring out the excess moisture using a cheese cloth or towel– you’ll see that you’re able to squeeze out quite a bit of excess water from the cauliflower.
place the cauliflower in a bowl and mash it until there are no chunks and it’s quite smooth– you can also do this using the food processor. once it’s mashed up, add your spices, minced garlic, eggs, and finally, grated cheese, and mix or combining well in the food processor.
once well combined, spread the cauliflower batter into a large rectangle on a parchment paper-lined baking tray.
sprinkle the extra 3/4 cup of grated cheese on top.
bake in a preheated oven at 375 for 25-35 mins or so, keep an eye until it's golden brown cheesy goodness. be careful when cutting, allow it to cool before slicing it into strips and attempting to handle. it will be delicate! you can always throw it back in the oven for 10 minutes once it's sliced in order to serve these hot.